
Anything on the news and elsewhere in the media with evidence of digital manipulation, bogus story-lines and propaganda
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Re: Titanic

Unread post by sharpstuff »

Peter wrote:

Nobody is ever "targeted for disposal". Nobody dies, nobody gets hurt. We are in a hoax lie joke realm but we are not ruled by malevolence.

Titanic sinking was just another hoax, psyop, fear porn, also supporting the iceburg hoax. The hoax claimed Titanic had an identical sister ship. It never did. The "sister ship" that continued sailing after the Titanic incident was the Titanic, just named something else.

‘Nobody is ever targeted for disposal’? How can you possibly say that?

Nobody dies, nobody gets hurt’? Why, because the whole thing is a hoax?

Why does anyone want to believe the Titanic was a complete hoax. Please give pertinent reasons.

We might be living in a ‘hoax, lie, joke realm’ but it would be good to know why and why does the Titanic story/event need to be considered a hoax? Please explain.

The iceberg was not a hoax, it was part of the tale, correct or not and there are no real explanations as to what happened as no-one else was there to confirm one way or the other. If there was a ‘cover-up’ for some reason, we can only speculate.

Please explore the ‘sister ship’ notion after you admit that the Titanic ‘incident’ happened, and evidence that whatever ship it was that was re-named and why.

Frankly, I would like to know why this subject came up in the first instance. Again, frankly. I am claiming to know nothing about Titanic being a hoax. My only interest in Titanic was because I know from my researches that W.T. Stead was aboard. There is plenty of material to support the fact that he was a real person, which I have in my possession.

We must be careful with our wordings. A definition from a reputable law-firm states: A hoax is a deception. ‘The deception is rooted in getting people who aren’t in on it to accept facts, statements, or images that are incorrect and often somewhat unbelievable. A hoax can be either malicious, designed for some purpose, like defrauding unsuspecting customers, or fanciful, a joke created purely for laughs and with no ill intent.’

Questions: Why is the Titanic story being considered a hoax or deception? Where is the evidence of a hoax?

Be well.
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Re: Titanic

Unread post by Macaria »

sharpstuff wrote: Sat Apr 29, 2023 7:51 am Why does anyone want to believe the Titanic was a complete hoax. Please give pertinent reasons.
Now, I don't know that the story is a complete hoax - it may be around 85-99% hoax. The story is very dodgy and very hoaxy.

To begin with, you can be pretty sure that if a movie is made about an event, that event is likely a hoax to one degree or another.
And according to Waki, there have been 18 films made about the Titanic. That’s 18 reasons to suspect a hoax right there.

Waki includes this ‘jump the shark’ factoid:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_f ... he_Titanic

“Saved from the Titanic” was:
Co-written by and starring Titanic survivor Dorothy Gibson and released only 29 days after it sank.
jump ---- the ---- shark

Some other reasons have already been brought up in the thread. There is the predictive programming: the book “Futility / Wreck of the Titan” and Stead's own books, “From the Old World to the New” and “"How the Mail Steamer Went Down in Mid Atlantic by a Survivor"

Perhaps Sharpstuff you have not been researching Stead with deception in mind. You have been looking at other angles. Did you know that in both of these two stories a ship hit an iceberg?

Wiki says this about the latter:
How the Mail Steamer Went Down in Mid Atlantic by a Survivor" is a short story that was published in the 22 March 1886, issue of the Pall Mall Gazette by the English investigative journalist and newspaper editor William Thomas Stead. Stead included this editorial comment: "This is exactly what might take place and will take place if liners are sent to sea short of boats".
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/How_the_M ... a_Survivor

And then Stead dies on the Titanic?

Doesn't that remind you of that 911 story about that (CIA or FBI or whatever) guy who was responsible for hunting Bin Laden and happened to die in one of the twin towers? That's what it reminds me of.

At this point, the Titanic story is sinking, sorry, stinking mightily.

Another thing, and I didn’t know about this until I began poking around a couple of days ago, there are apparently thousands of fake survivors.

There is a book out called “Titanic Imposters” by Kyrila Scully, apparently a mainstream Titanic researcher.
https://www.amazon.co.uk/product-review ... ll_reviews
TITANIC IMPOSTERS tells the story of the most famous shipwreck of the 20th century from the most unique perspective. Over 7,000 people pretended to be survivors of the RMS Titanic, when the ship sank on April 15, 1912. This book reveals the forgotten and overlooked stories of many of those people. Find out the various reasons why these people went through life living an infamous lie! Written by Kyrila Scully, with a foreword by George Behe, this book is a must-have for every Titanic enthusiast.
Over at the website “Encyclopedia Titanica” there are discussions about a few of these Titanic fakers - and these guys too seem to be believing the mainstream version of events, these are not "conspiracy" types.
https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/c ... survivors/

And, yet there they are pointing out the fakers. So which ones are genuine?

Here is 'survivor' William Hall, looking very sus
The interviewer is trying to keep a straight face.

Interviewer: When did you know something was wrong?
Hall: When I was really in the life boat and I actually saw the thing up t- t- t-t (stutter) sort of turn on it’s end (gesticulating the ship’s rotation) and go .... go down I think that that would be the first time this is what I think now.

Here is Thomas Taverner, competing for the dodgiest survivor award.
https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/c ... mp4.40520/

Interviewer: you saw this giant ship go up in the air?
Taverner: yes, went straight up (glances up)
Interviewer: she went down forehead (??) first
Taverner: yes, straight down like a ...like..(undecipherable) straight and ...perpendicular
Interviewer: Tell me what grounds did they base this saying the ship that couldn’t sink, on what grounds did they base this
Taverner: Well they reckon that ... I don’t think...I-I-I can’t see that she would have sunk meself... had she got little less injured than she did. Even one hole less would have kept her afloat.

Ludicrous. The story has now jumped the shark while that shark was jumping another shark.

And I haven't been cherry picking these. These two, and a third one, are the only survivor videos I have seen. (And in that third vid, the woman claimed to be in her boat in the icy water and to have heard the band playing as the ship went down!!)

I don’t buy the idea that these fakers are out for money or fame. The interviewers have to be in on it.
What reporter would risk their career and dare fake a story of such a tragic event?
The only way this could happen is if they were sanctioned. Since they know it is all bull, they know they can lie as they please.

I think the comparison of the sinking of the Titanic to 911 is apt.

They were both-
-huge media events
-preceded by much predictive programming
-surrounded by myth and conspiracy
-with many fake survivors

I just got this image of Mohammad Atta at the flight controls. He is piloting this iceberg and BAM! Explosion! The Titanic is vertical. :D
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Re: Titanic

Unread post by Macaria »

There was another Titanic-like tale, (fictional of course), that was published in near synchronicity with the "real" sinking.

https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/ ... 180979911/
Under the pseudonym Mayn Clew Garnett, author Thornton Jenkins Hains published a maritime disaster story with eerie parallels to the real-life tragedy

When the R.M.S. Titanic struck an iceberg and sank on the night of April 14 to 15, 1912, the disaster dominated headlines around the world. Stunned by the loss of the purportedly “unsinkable” ship, observers soon found themselves shocked by the similarities between the real-life tragedy and a fictional magazine story that had appeared on newsstands a week earlier.

“The White Ghost of Disaster”—published in the Popular magazine and attributed to an author named Captain Mayn Clew Garnett—seemed eerily prophetic. In the short story, Garnett describes a seemingly invincible ocean liner, its fateful encounter with an iceberg in the North Atlantic and the horrific loss of life that follows. Numerous details, large and small, could have come straight out of news reports of the Titanic disaster—except for the fact that they were already in print when the ship sank.


The ship in Garnett’s story, the Admiral, is 800 feet long to the Titanic’s 883. It’s filled with “a thousand and more souls” and “millions in cargo values.” Like the Titanic, which sank on its maiden voyage, the Admiral is a new ship, described as having “the shortest of lives.”

A few pages into the tale, the Admiral plows into an iceberg off the Grand Banks of Newfoundland while ignoring warnings of ice and moving too fast for the weather conditions. The ship’s captain, who is responsible for this reckless speed, ultimately kills himself with a pistol—one of the ways in which the Titanic’s captain, Edward. J Smith, was theorized to have died, though nobody knows for sure. (Interestingly, the Admiral’s second officer is also named Smith.)

Garnett offers a verbal picture of the ship hitting the iceberg that echoes some Titanic survivors’ accounts—and will probably be familiar to anyone who has seen movies like James Cameron’s Titanic or A Night to Remember:
With a grinding, smashing roar as of thousands of tons coming together, the huge liner plunged headlong into the iceberg that rose grim and silent right ahead, towering over her in spite of her great height. The shock was terrific, and the grinding, thundering crash of falling tons of ice, coupled with the rending of steel plates and solid planks, made chaos of all sound.
Later in the article, it is noted how Garnett's story may have been plagiarised from "Futility - Wreck of the Titan" which had been published some 14 years earlier. Whether it was or not, Garnett had the advantage of excellent timing - he must have made a few pennies from the sale of his yarn.
Some papers reprinted “The White Ghost of Disaster” in its entirety. An advertisement in the Buffalo Times credited the author with “the shivery powers of a seer, and with a pen guided by the hand of Fate.” A book publisher rushed the story out in hard cover, padded with some additional Garnett tales, the following month. In 1913, a silent movie adaptation (now lost) marketed as “a $1,000,000 film marvel” premiered.
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Re: Titanic

Unread post by kickstones »

Yet again, Masonic favorite number 33 embedded in the news story.......

Titanic submersible disappearance

Titanic director James Cameron: 'OceanGate were warned'

Hollywood film director James Cameron, who helmed the 1997 movie Titanic, has told the BBC he felt the loss of the Titan submersible "in my bones".

Cameron has completed 33 dives to the wreck of the Titanic.

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Re: Titanic

Unread post by Macaria »

They continue to stack one hoax on the top of another.

In this case, the stinking, (as I like to say), of the Titan (submarine) is 111 years after the big stinking of the Titanic.

1912 - 2023

That is an interesting article kickstones....
Cameron suggested that there was a "terrible irony" in the loss of Titan and its crew, likening it to the loss of the Titanic itself back in 1912.

"We now have another wreck that is based on unfortunately the same principles of not heeding warnings," he said. "OceanGate were warned."
Perfect for reliving the trauma of the original.

But what about those sounds of banging we were hearing about?
Cameron told BBC News the past week had "felt like a prolonged and nightmarish charade where people are running around talking about banging noises and talking about oxygen and all this other stuff".
No kidding....

And just coincidentally by the way....

https://people.com/pilot-titan-sub-marr ... le-7551566
The wife of OceanGate CEO Stockton Rush, who is one of five on board the missing submarine that disappeared on Sunday while heading to view the wreckage of the Titanic, is a descendant of two first-class passengers who died when the ship sank in 1912, according to archival records cited by The New York Times.

Per a report from the outlet published Wednesday, Wendy Rush — who is director of communications at OceanGate — is the great-great-granddaughter of Isidor and Ida Strauss, who died after the Titanic hit an iceberg and sank in the North Atlantic Ocean more than 100 years ago.
One hundred and eleven years of stinking and still stinking strong.
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