Anything on the news and elsewhere in the media with evidence of digital manipulation, bogus story-lines and propaganda
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Re: The CORONAVIRUS circus

Unread post by nonhocapito »

simonshack wrote: Sun Mar 15, 2020 10:52 amEvidently, this elementary logic doesn't work for you. But hey, next time you come across a duck with the head of an elephant, make sure to take a picture of it and post it on the forum. -_-
It's what I'm trying to do, when I talk about a mix of reality and fakery. I assume you think that those messages I posted were made up? Or are insignificant? Isn't it intellectually stimulating to see if they could fit in some scenario?
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Re: The CORONAVIRUS circus

Unread post by heniek1812 »

Power of suggestion piled on top of preexisting conditions of aging population on top of the MSM 24/7 meme bombardment ..... is one vicious viral attack (Gladio is back ?) on an aged population.
Voodoo and Sudden Death: The Effects of Expectations on Health
The positive and negative effects of the social environment on healthcare well known.. A particularly striking effect of such influence is illness or death resulting from suggestion or belief system. Although most often described among the preliterate, such effects may also occur in industrialized societies. For example, in the pluralistic society of the United States many groups believe in supernatural determinants of health, illness, and death. Ethnic groups with origins in Africa and the Caribbean believe in the effects of witchcraft or sorcery or, in popular parlance, of hexing, voodoo (hoodoo), and root work (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6). Curanderismo is not uncommon among Mexican Americans ( 7 ) . There are fundamentalists who practice faith healing among white middle-class Americans (8, 9). Christian Scientists use exorcism to cast out evil thoughts (10) and affluent Americans practice satanic-power to solve problems of the mind(11). Catholics believe in possession and exorcism (12), and immigrants from Mediterranean and Latin American countries believe in the evil eye (13).

In the medical literature, death by suggestion has been called "voodoo death" by Cannon (14) or "sudden and unexplained death" by Richter ( 1.5 ) . The latter designation has been criticized because the negative effects of suggestion are not limited to death, sudden or otherwise, but may also result in acute and chronic illness (16). Nevertheless, discussing these phenomena together may help to clarify issues related to etiology, intermediary mechanisms, and associated psycho social factors.

In 1942, Cannon (14) carefully reviewed records of anthropologists, physicians, and others who had lived with primitive peoples in many different parts of the world; they reported sudden deaths which resulted from spells, sorcery, black magic, or bone pointing.In some cases, death was averted by the opportune intervention of a powerful medicine man. Cannon emphasized the suggestibility of those involved. Citing William James, he also underscored the importance of the social group as a source of support for the morale of the individual, making special mention of the beneficial effects of approval of one’s behavior and beliefs and the devastating consequences of being "cut dead" when the individual becomes unworthy of the attention and praise of others and is treated as an outcast or as if already dead.
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Re: The CORONAVIRUS circus

Unread post by rusty »

What's really going on in Italy?

Dear noho, dear Simon, as far as I understand you both have different views on the "Corona" events in Italy:

Simon: The numbers of infected and deaths are mostly or totally fake
Noho: The numbers may be partially faked, but there is a real crisis going on with more cases of pneumonia and more deaths than usual

I personally lean towards all the figures being (mostly) real, but some of the stories presented to us may be fictional. I'd really like to know what's going on there. Big thanks to Simon for the link to the excellent, well-written and well-researched article from David Crowe (a long time Canadian AIDS "dissenter"): CoronavirusPanic.pdf Highly recommended reading for everyone!

I think we find a first clue about the differences between China and Italy on page 4/5:
David Crowe wrote: The Chinese eventually woke up and, around February 16th required confirmed cases to meet the requirements for a suspected case [i.e. clinical symptoms], as well as a positive test. They may have put this new definition into practice earlier because after a massive addition of almost 16,000 confirmed cases on February 12th, the number fell dramatically each day and, by February 18th was under 500 cases, and continued to stay low.
But other countries did not learn. Korea, Japan and Italy (and perhaps other countries) have started doing tests on people with no epidemiological link, encouraging people with the vague symptoms that are part of the definition to come to hospital to get checked, and obviously following up with asymptomatic people with a connection to anybody who tests positive. Consequently, in mid to late February, cases in those countries started to skyrocket.
Crowe describes later how suspects with even mild symptoms are subjected to toxic treatment with "antiviral medication". This may gravely contribute to the severeness of symptoms and the number of fatalities. However, so far I do not have any detailed information about this being true for (at least some) Italian hospitals and if there is any difference to other countries or regions.
nonhocapito wrote: Sun Mar 15, 2020 8:46 am I just cannot reconcile the idea of complete fakery with what I hear, form people I've known for 25 years (since we took civil service together) two normal guys who do not belong to any freemasonry, never had a stellar career or prestigious positions, are not politicized, nor can be blackmailed, having worked in the same position for a long time.

This one of the latest texts from Milan:

2020-03-15 14_25_15-General __ WhatsApp.png
[Google translation]

To sum up, he describes a worsening situation with many Covid patients dying and even some of the medical staff. A week ago, when I was trying to suggest that maybe there was some basic misunderstanding of what virus was at the origin of it, he wrote this:

2020-03-15 14_27_11-General __ WhatsApp.png
[Google translation]

Here describing in so many words the uniqueness of this virus and its visible connection to what was allegedly happening in China. I may add that I haven't lived in Italy for over 6 six years so this is my only direct source. But it's a pretty good one, right from the heart of the events.
Dear noho, can you please elaborate a bit on the background of your contact in Milan? Is he an MD or somehow medically trained? He comes across as such. Let me comment on some of his statements:
nonhocapito Milan contact wrote:in Italy the virosis with fatal pneumonia before this specific epidemic were extremely rare events ...
Does anyone have more precise numbers about what "extremely rare" means? I know that the number of fatalities in Germany because of all sorts of pneumonia (even those which are not considered "viral" because they respond to antibiotics) is about 10000 per year, so for Italy it should be around 7000 per year. But, OK, compared to what's supposedly going on currently in some places this might be considered "extremely rare".
nonhocapito Milan contact wrote:...they were mainly related to the H1N1 flu strain whose antibody passage is routinely sought [...]
all viral pneumonia [...], even before this pandemic were always mapped recognizing causes other than coronavirus
So he basically states here that they were looking for flu strains before and not for corona, so they did not find any corona cases. Now they are probably looking for corona first. The ingrained belief of almost everyone is that those tests are conclusive and a single virus is always the cause for a disease. This prevents them from searching for more viruses once they have one positive test result. Read Crowe's article to understand how those tests work and how much BS is associated with them.
nonhocapito Milan contact wrote:Now the increase in the viral pneumonia event at least 1000 times in the Italian population has concisely in a mappable way, with precise consecuzio temporis [chronology], with a perfect correlation with the Chinese pandemic event of the coronavirus cod19. It is the first time that viral pneumonia is so frequent in Italy and all positive Cod 19.
It cannot be "at least 1000 times", not for Italy as a whole, if you have a total of 20000 cases and among them 3000 deceased or serious cases. This means that the other 17000 cases probably can't be considered viral pneumonia (which is almost always serious) at all and very likely not all of the 3000 serious or deceased cases really suffer or died from full-fledged pneumonia. But OK, to be fair, even if we assume there were "only" 2000 cases of viral pneumonia so far (with actual severe or deadly symptoms) we have to keep in mind that this is related to a small part of Italy only, so it definitely constitutes a very dramatic increase for those regions.
nonhocapito Milan contact wrote:In fact it is recognizable in the anamnesis of most of the infected Italians a direct bridge with China (relative returned from China, bar frequented by people who came from China, etc. etc.)
This does not make any sense, because you'd expect the cases to trasmit through other contacs and so on. Other coutries equally have contact to Chinese people and don't face the same problem. It also contradicts what Crowe found out:
David Crowe wrote:(Feb 24) In Lombardy, Italy, none of the early patients had been to China or had contact with another case.
So I guess there is a lot of hearsay and wishful thinking there.
nonhocapito Milan contact wrote:The continuous change of these types of viruses (retroviruses, viruses that replicate themselves through the viral RNA and not the DNA) is extremely rapid
This is the usual tech babble of virologists to conceal that they don't have a clue what's going on. It may also serve as an excuse for the missing reliability of their test kits.

Personal summary:

I don't believe for a second that we are facing a "new virus threat" here. I don't believe this virus even exists as a separate material entity. But I'm actually a little bit at loss about how to fully explain the huge difference between those Italian regions and the rest of the world. Is there something in the handling of cases, in the mindset of the Italian people, that makes them more susceptible to falling for the trap? Do they really flock to hospitals in great numbers to get themselves tested, even if they have only mild or no symptoms? And those (approx. 4% - or is the Italian test more "sensitive"?) who get tested positive, are they more prone to panic ("superstitious") and are the MDs in Italy more likely to start heavy, toxic treatment than elsewhere? Or are the Italian more "hive minded", empathic, interconnected individuals, which actually allows some diseases to spread between them on some level somehow? Or maybe those Italian regions are facing more severe environmental factors than other regions (wheather, EMF radiation, ...)? I honestly don't know.
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Re: The CORONAVIRUS circus

Unread post by simonshack »


Cari amici, dear friends,

From the mouth of the president of the ISS (Istituto Superiore della Sanità) - at a press conference held two days ago (March 13, 2020):

Coronavirus: Iss, in Italia i decessi accertati finora per causa del Covid-19 sono solo due
Roma, 13 mar 19:12 - (Agenzia Nova) - Le persone morte a causa del coronavirus in Italia, che non presentavano altre patologie, potrebbero essere solo due. E' quanto risulta dalle cartelle cliniche finora esaminate dall'Istituto superiore di sanità, secondo quanto riferito dal presidente dell'Istituto, Silvio Brusaferro, nel corso della conferenza stampa tenuta oggi presso la Protezione civile a Roma. "I pazienti deceduti positivi hanno una media di oltre 80 anni - 80,3 per l'esattezza - e sostanzialmente sono prevalentemente maschi", ha detto Brusaferro. "Le donne sono il 25,8 per cento. L'età media dei deceduti è significativamente più alta rispetto agli altri positivi. Le fasce d'età superiori ai 70 anni, con un picco tra gli 80 e gli 89 anni. La maggioranza di queste persone è portatrice di patologie croniche. Soltanto due persone non sono risultate al momento portatrici di patologie", ma anche in questi due casi, l'esame delle cartelle non è concluso e potrebbero, dunque emergere cause di morte diverse dal Covid-19. Il presidente dell'Iss ha precisato che finora dagli ospedali di tutta Italia sono pervenute "poco più di cento cartelle cliniche". ... o-solo-due

In English:

Coronavirus: Iss, in Italy the confirmed deaths so far due to the Covid-19 are only two
Rome, 13 Mar 19:12 - (Agenzia Nova) - The people who died of coronavirus in Italy, who did not have other diseases, could be only two. This is what emerges from the medical records examined so far by the Higher Institute of Health, according to the President of the Institute, Silvio Brusaferro, during the press conference held today at the Civil Protection in Rome. "The positive deceased patients have an average age of over 80 years - 80.3 to be exact - and are predominantly male," said Brusaferro. "Women make up 25.8%. The average age of the deceased is significantly higher than the other positives. The age groups over 70, with a peak between 80 and 89 years. The majority of these people are carriers of chronic diseases. Only two people have not been found to be carriers of pathologies at the moment", but even in these two cases, the examination of the records is not concluded and therefore causes of death other than Covid-19 may emerge. The president of the Iss has specified that so far "just over one hundred medical records" have been received from hospitals throughout Italy.

In other words, only 2 persons are believed to have been killed by the Coronavirus in Italy - but there is still no confirmation that the Covid-19 was the cause of death.
Moreover, although we are told (in the media / or Wikipedia) that the Coronavirus death toll in Italy is (as of today) 1809, only about 100 medical records have been received so far by the ISS from hospitals throughout Italy. Huh? Wasn't this supposed to be a national emergency?

This sordid affair is rapidly turning out to be one of the silliest and goofiest hoaxes ever foisted upon humankind. :mellow:
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Re: The CORONAVIRUS circus

Unread post by aa5 »

The hysteria is really reaching a fever pitch in the US over the last few days. The problem now is that as so many things are being shut down, the corporations are moving to mass layoffs.

Some few people have lots of savings, so for them it will sort of suck if they are off work for a couple of months. But on the other hand they don't have to go to work, and might even increase their spending if they are not working all the time. But for most people who live pay check to pay check its obvious this is going to create a major crisis.

That is why congress was debating so much in the last week. And as per usual from somewhere they got a huge bill that no one had time to read and passed it on a Friday afternoon.
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Re: The CORONAVIRUS circus

Unread post by heniek1812 »

The data in Italy is very very well massaged,
“Although preliminary, these data confirm the observations made so far in the rest of the world on the main characteristics of patients – comments the president of ISS Silvio Brusaferro -, in particular on the fact that the elderly and people with pre-existing diseases are more at risk. These are very fragile people, who often live in close contact and who we must protect as much as possible “.

(The report concerns deceased patients and is based on data obtained through the compilation of a questionnaire developed specifically for the purpose of detecting death cases).

Published March 6, 2020 ... ro&id=4163

Several doctors who have given media interviews have emphasized that these deaths are associated with 2019-nCov and not necessarily attributed directly to the virus. 2019-nCov refers to the virus. COVID-19 refers to the Corona virus disease. It’s possible to test positive for 2019-nCov without necessarily suffering from COVID-19. ... -from-iss/
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Re: The CORONAVIRUS circus

Unread post by simonshack »

nonhocapito wrote: Sun Mar 15, 2020 1:36 pm It's what I'm trying to do, when I talk about a mix of reality and fakery. I assume you think that those messages I posted were made up? Or are insignificant? Isn't it intellectually stimulating to see if they could fit in some scenario?
Dear nonho,

I don't think those messages you posted are made up. As for their significance, I would certainly lend more significance to what someone like Dr. Bassetti has to say: ... 2DKCggry7M
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Re: The CORONAVIRUS circus

Unread post by simonshack »


I'm under house arrest, folks - and so is the entire Italian population. And I'm as mad as hell.

full link:

Sing along... ... lie-vision


full link:
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Re: The CORONAVIRUS circus

Unread post by nonhocapito »

The crucial point in that interview comes at the end. What to do with overwhelmed hospitals. Bassetti's answer misses the point completely, perhaps because he's in Liguria and not Lombardia.
The hospitals are not overwhelmed because people flood the ER. They are overwhelmed with pneumonia cases. The whole point is to ease that situation by slowing down the infections so that people with pneumonia don't die. Even if they're old.
That said, I agree that putting a whole country under house arrest is criminal and nefarious and that there is horrible manipulation and psychotic terror being fed to the public.
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Re: The CORONAVIRUS circus

Unread post by rusty »

So we don't know where the figures actually come from? They may well be exaggerated, but just because the ISS does not yet have the majority of reports probably does not mean very much in the current chaos. We'll probably know more by the end of the year when the final statistics are released.

Last night a thought crossed my mind ... what if, after all, Dr. Hamer was right? Then many, if not most, diseases are caused by shocks/conflicts.
Now, pneumonia.

When we are in a healing phase of one biological conflict, in this case the bronchi and have a secondary active conflict, KCTP running we will experience what Dr. Hamer refers to as The Syndrome, KCTS.

The Kidney Collecting Tubule Syndrome, KCTS – also known as a water retention conflict, where there is minimum fluid excretion and maximum fluid retention.
This conflict amplifies all healing phase symptoms. Increased fluid retention, swelling and inflammation. If the swelling in the bronchi is dramatic, severe occlusion can occur (atelectasis) causing the lung to potentially collapse.

There are multiple facets to a KCTP such as biological conflicts experienced around abandonment, isolation, refugee, existence, finances, water. This is where the fluid in the lungs, associated with pneumonia arises from – but it is due to conflict activity, not a healing phase!

Also, a conflict of fear of death supposedly affects the lungs (lung cancer). In the current situation probably anything that has to do with the lower respiratory system, combined with a positive test result, will count as a corona case and will be hospitalized.
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Re: The CORONAVIRUS circus

Unread post by heniek1812 »

simonshack wrote: Sun Mar 15, 2020 5:29 pm
Le persone morte a causa del coronavirus in Italia, che non presentavano altre patologie, potrebbero essere solo due.

The people who died of coronavirus in Italy, who did not have other diseases, could be only two.

In other words, only 2 persons are believed to have been killed by the Coronavirus in Italy
I slightly modified the translation.
The people who died of coronavirus in Italy , who didn't have other diseases, might only be two.
I speak Spanish and reading the Italian sentence and the English translation convinces me that there is no major problem with the translation. I interpret that sentence to say that all the people who died who were classified as having coronavirus had other illnesses (patologie/diseases) WITH THE EXCEPTION OF 2 who had no other ilnesses (were healthy).

So deaths attributed as being from coronavirus are large than just 2 people. Only significance of these 2 individuals was that they had not other illnesses and may or may not have died from Covid-19. That how I interpret that sentence.

From the Duran link I provided we see a mixing of terms even though it is meant to clarify the results reported.
Several doctors who have given media interviews have emphasized that these deaths are associated with 2019-nCov and not necessarily attributed directly to the virus. 2019-nCov refers to the virus. COVID-19 refers to the Corona virus disease. It’s possible to test positive for 2019-nCov without necessarily suffering from COVID-19.
Reading this things several times leads to no better understanding as another issues that is not mentioned is not only the identity of the particular virus but the fact that the test for COVID-19 is at best a 50-50 proposition.

What I don't understand is the strange emphasis on "who didn't have other diseases". Why is this so important and stated in such an obtuse way. If the doctor is suggesting that if you are well you will not die from coronavirus then say it straight out,
XXXX people died from "some coronavirus" who were already sick. Of these only 2 were healthy individuals who we are not sure if they died from COVID-19 or not" .
Now the term "coronavirus". From Wiki,
Coronaviruses are a group of related viruses that cause diseases in mammals and birds. In humans, coronaviruses cause respiratory tract infections that are typically mild, such as some cases of the common cold (among other possible causes, predominantly rhinoviruses), though rarer forms can be lethal, such as SARS, MERS, and COVID-19. Symptoms in other species vary: in chickens, they cause an upper respiratory tract disease, while in cows and pigs they cause diarrhea. There are yet to be vaccines or antiviral drugs to prevent or treat human coronavirus infections.
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Re: The CORONAVIRUS circus

Unread post by heniek1812 »

Check out this discussion. Around 24 minutes there is some constructive suggestions for improving your health,

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Re: The CORONAVIRUS circus

Unread post by heniek1812 »

rusty wrote: Mon Mar 16, 2020 7:49 am
Last night a thought crossed my mind ... what if, after all, Dr. Hamer was right? Then many, if not most, diseases are caused by shocks/conflicts.

Also, a conflict of fear of death supposedly affects the lungs (lung cancer). In the current situation probably anything that has to do with the lower respiratory system, combined with a positive test result, will count as a corona case and will be hospitalized.
I have come to a similar conclusion which unfortunately will never be able to prove. But it is well know that psychological pressure (MSM blitz 24/7) has a huge impact on ones health. Suddenly dump this on people who are old (confused, alone, poor ....) and already sick and you will have an outbreak of cases coming out of nowhere. Sort of like that meme where we see people scrambling for stupid toilet paper. Cases begin to skyrocket. ... 2DKCggry7M
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Re: The CORONAVIRUS circus

Unread post by guivre »

Parallels to the aftermath of 9/11 when we were warned about a "new normal":

Coronavirus will change how we shop, travel and work for years ... r-BB11a8br
Only in a crisis are governments able to rally people to accept necessary but painful reforms,” said Boughton. “Every crisis is also an opportunity.”
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Re: The CORONAVIRUS circus

Unread post by Seneca »

rusty wrote: Mon Mar 16, 2020 7:49 am So we don't know where the figures actually come from? They may well be exaggerated, but just because the ISS does not yet have the majority of reports probably does not mean very much in the current chaos. We'll probably know more by the end of the year when the final statistics are released.

Last night a thought crossed my mind ... what if, after all, Dr. Hamer was right? Then many, if not most, diseases are caused by shocks/conflicts.
Now, pneumonia.

When we are in a healing phase of one biological conflict, in this case the bronchi and have a secondary active conflict, KCTP running we will experience what Dr. Hamer refers to as The Syndrome, KCTS.

The Kidney Collecting Tubule Syndrome, KCTS – also known as a water retention conflict, where there is minimum fluid excretion and maximum fluid retention.
This conflict amplifies all healing phase symptoms. Increased fluid retention, swelling and inflammation. If the swelling in the bronchi is dramatic, severe occlusion can occur (atelectasis) causing the lung to potentially collapse.

There are multiple facets to a KCTP such as biological conflicts experienced around abandonment, isolation, refugee, existence, finances, water. This is where the fluid in the lungs, associated with pneumonia arises from – but it is due to conflict activity, not a healing phase!

Also, a conflict of fear of death supposedly affects the lungs (lung cancer). In the current situation probably anything that has to do with the lower respiratory system, combined with a positive test result, will count as a corona case and will be hospitalized.
Yes, that was what I was also thinking. What happens to patients that are tested positive or even suspected to test positive? They become isolated from their loved ones, isolated from normal human contact, surrounded by people in strange suits wearing masks. I think this is enough for many people to trigger or cause an abandonment/isolation conflict. Even symptoms like coughing or a running nose can probably trigger this. Because people know what to expect if they test positive and many live in their fears instead of in the moment. According to the German New Medicine this leads to the syndrome which can turn a bronchitis into a pneumonia.
see also
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