Anything on the news and elsewhere in the media with evidence of digital manipulation, bogus story-lines and propaganda
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Unread post by Only2perCent »

News from the frontlines. Some symptomatic behavior manifested itself today. An innocent YouTube video was taken down. Here it is:

Comparing the projectory of the PLANdemic before and after Lockdown shows no saved lives ... sp=sharing

But I think it's the Description that struck the nerve:

Full lockdown policies in Western Europe countries have no evident impact on the COVID-19 PLANdemic

"Perhaps the most interesting epidemiological studies conducted during the 1918-1919 pandemic were the human experiments conducted by the Public Health Service and the U.S. Navy under the supervision of Milton Rosenau on Gallops Island, the quarantine station in Boston Harbor, and on Angel Island, its counterpart in San Francisco. The experiment began with 100 volunteers from the Navy who had no history of influenza. Rosenau was the first to report on the experiments conducted at Gallops Island in November and December 1918.69

His first volunteers received first one strain and then several strains of Pfeiffer's bacillus by spray and swab into their noses and throats and then into their eyes. When that procedure failed to produce disease, others were inoculated with mixtures of other organisms isolated from the throats and noses of influenza patients.

Next, some volunteers received injections of blood from influenza patients. Finally, 13 of the volunteers were taken into an influenza ward and exposed to 10 influenza patients each. Each volunteer was to shake hands with each patient, to talk with him at close range, and to permit him to cough directly into his face. None of the volunteers in these experiments developed influenza.

Rosenau was clearly puzzled, and he cautioned against drawing conclusions from negative results. He ended his article in JAMA with a telling acknowledgement: 'We entered the outbreak with a notion that we knew the cause of the disease, and were quite sure we knew how it was transmitted from person to person. Perhaps, if we have learned anything, it is that we are not quite sure what we know about the disease.' "
Direct Link: or

The Technocrats are planning to structure our future lives around false assumptions that are in direct contradiction to the findings above.
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Unread post by sharpstuff »

Rounding up the 'virus' issue (so far as I am concerned).

Let us pretend that a virus actually exists.

What is a virus?

According to the 'official' view, a virus is an entity (since the word is a noun and names a 'thing') that requires a host 'cell' before it can weave its evil magic, (which to all intents and purposes must be an 'evil' entity) because it will cause some sort of destructive 'dis-ease' (or even symptoms of a full-blown 'disease').

It is the requires a host 'cell' that is most important here.

The virus enters (?) the cell and apparently creates havoc to the cell's original intention (to keep itself alive via suitable nutrients). How it can actually do this, again to all intents, purposes, verification and credibility, unknowable in any real terms.

Also, how does it get into other cells? (Some Star Trekian Transporter?) How did it get to the original cell in the first place? 'Mutations', you say? Mutations of what, exactly? One cannot create something from nothing, unless I have been mistaken somewhere along my long lines of the acquisition of data.

We are not apparently talking about a cell changing its structure for some reason, we are talking about an invasion!

Again, how then is it able to transport itself outside the cell to 'infect' anyone else, even though it apparently requires a living 'cell' to do anything at all? The same Star Trekian Transporter?

Is this virus (within a cell) then able to break out from the environment it requires for its existence, grow some sort of wings to be able to drone-fly themselves over minuscule or vast distances (considering their apparent microscopic size) to 'infect' those outside their domain?

For what it is worth...

Be well.
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Unread post by rusty »

sharpstuff wrote: Thu May 21, 2020 10:11 am We are not apparently talking about a cell changing its structure for some reason, we are talking about an invasion!

Again, how then is it able to transport itself outside the cell to 'infect' anyone else, even though it apparently requires a living 'cell' to do anything at all? The same Star Trekian Transporter?

Is this virus (within a cell) then able to break out from the environment it requires for its existence, grow some sort of wings to be able to drone-fly themselves over minuscule or vast distances (considering their apparent microscopic size) to 'infect' those outside their domain?
They talk about the virus disintegrating within the cell, merging its genetical codes into the genes of the cell and thus "trick" the cell into producing many more of the same virus particles. These will then leave the cell (how?) into the intracellular fluid and randomly infect other cells, until stopped by the antibodies produced by our immune system.

All the implausibilities this involves aside ... if it was in fact true this means nothing else than:
1. Cells (and only cells!) have the ability to produce "viral particles", and they do this all the time
2. The viral particle is nothing more than some piece of information transmitted from one cell to another. It's not alive, it can't be vicious or "try to survive" or anything.

In my opionion, this is the first information you have to "hammer home" into everyone who believes viruses are real causes of disease. Then add the information that there is no scientific proof that even two of those particles are absolutely identical. This may be at the core of the belief that "viruses mutate". Then hammer home the fact that it has not been proven that ISOLATED viral particles can cause disease.
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Unread post by Altair »

It's even more difficult according to the accepted hypotheses: the viral RNA fools the enzymes in the cell to produce the virus building blocks (proteins, lipids, and replicated RNA) and they magically assemble in the cell into neat spheres that contain more RNA.
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Unread post by Altair »

The more I research, the more fishy it looks...
It seems that the process of virus "assembly" and release is greatly unknown. Yet there seems to be no obstacle for vaccine production. In short, producing vaccines would require purposely infecting human or animal cells with the virus, then extracting the virus and debilitating or fragmenting it with a chemical agent. Now, if it's not possible to isolate viruses, that means the whole thing (cells and viruses) must be processed together... and injected. So we have here a flagrant contradiction: viruses cannot be isolated, but they can be sort-of processed to make vaccines.
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Unread post by rusty »

Altair wrote: Mon May 25, 2020 6:41 pm The more I research, the more fishy it looks...
It seems that the process of virus "assembly" and release is greatly unknown. Yet there seems to be no obstacle for vaccine production. In short, producing vaccines would require purposely infecting human or animal cells with the virus, then extracting the virus and debilitating or fragmenting it with a chemical agent. Now, if it's not possible to isolate viruses, that means the whole thing (cells and viruses) must be processed together... and injected. So we have here a flagrant contradiction: viruses cannot be isolated, but they can be sort-of processed to make vaccines.
Absolutely. I know that for the production of some vaccines they simply injected some of the non-isolated "viral" material into chicken eggs in large amounts, hatched the eggs up to a certain point, then simply broke down all the chicken embryos and put the result through some kind of filter, then added additional ingredients. So this mixture will contain lots of foreign material (chicken embryo soup). You have to wonder who in their right mind would have something like this injected into their own body or those of their children.

On the topic of "debilitating or fragmenting" viruses, or all the talk about "live" viruses, which are still virulent or not ... you have to wonder how anything of this is possible. Either the particle has its initial structure with the protein shell and the contained "genetic material" or the structure is broken somehow, rendering it non-functional (you'll only have some of the proteins from the shell and the genetic material floating around). If the protein structure is corrupted, you have to wonder how "antibodies" against this corrupted structure are supposed to work against the real thing.
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Unread post by simonshack »


An interesting and - uh - "thought-provoking" article from the Jewish online journal :

Throughout history, Jews have been on front lines of fighting disease
- by Frank Heyinich (March 16, 2020)

As the coronavirus pandemic sweeps across countries and continents, scientists, physicians, and public-health officials deploy a combination of strategies to check its advance: quarantine, tests, restrictions on people’s movements, antiseptics. Meanwhile, in labs in the United States and abroad, not least in Israel, the race is on to develop an effective vaccine and antiviral drug based on proven scientific protocols.

In ages past, however, the reasoning and methodology for combating pestilences were, well, not quite so sound. The story of how we came to our present state of knowledge of the cause and spread of transmissible diseases and ways to combat them is one in which Jewish doctors played pivotal roles.

Poisoning the wells?

Of all the epidemics and pandemics that have ravaged humankind throughout history, the most devastating for Europe was the bubonic plague, also known as the Black Death, which swept away about a third of the population in the 1340s. There was no explaining how the scourge jumped from one city or village to another.

So, in time-honored fashion, the common folk blamed the Jews, accusing them of poisoning the wells. Christian mobs took to massacring as a “public health measure.” Jews in Cologne, Frankfurt, Speyer, Strasbourg and Basel were murdered by the thousands. Survivors fled eastward, taking with them their medieval German tongue, eventually known as Yiddish.

But the professors of the prestigious medical faculties of Paris and Montpellier, highly versed in the classical Greco-Roman theories, investigated the charge of well-poisoning and declared the Jews inculpable. The Black Death, they proclaimed, was due to an inauspicious alignment of the planets, causing earthquakes and the release of noxious vapors into the atmosphere.

Emancipated Jewish medical men and germ theory

Fast forward to the Netherlands in the 17th Century, a country of great tolerance. It welcomed the Jews driven out of Spain and Portugal [by the Inquisition], including renowned physicians, later joined by Ashkenazim fleeing persecution to the east. Not coincidentally, this was the Netherlands Golden Age, a time of breathtaking advances in the arts and sciences.

It was there that the first clue to the cause and spread of epidemic diseases was revealed. In the 1670s in the town of Delft, Antoni van Leeuwenhoek — a Calvinist — through the microscope he invented and discovered a veritable zoo of subvisible microorganisms previously inconceivable to even the most fevered imagination.

Throughout the 18th Century and well into the 19th, there was speculation about the possible relation of microorganisms to illness.

Could these tiny creatures, so primitive, come into being by themselves (“spontaneous generation”)? Were they the cause of disease or were they the product of the diseased body? Could a pathogenic microbe of one disease transform into that of another disease? In diseases known to be infectious, were microorganisms the culprits, transmitted from a sick body to a healthy one, there to germinate?

The 19th Century was a period of Jewish emancipation in the German lands as the old ghetto walls fell and Jews were able to participate in the scientific and cultural life of the wider society. They became innovators in many fields, particularly medicine. Jewish physicians had been held in awe for centuries by the gentile population. But even the great Maimonides had had no inkling of the world of subvisible life. Now, the newly emancipated Jewish medical men set about pioneering the germ theory.

In 1840, the Bavarian medical doctor Jacob Henle, descendent of rabbis, published his ”Pathological Researches.” Using technologically advanced microscopes and deductive analysis of case histories, Henle declared to the medical world: “Contagion is matter endowed with individual life which reproduces itself in the manner of animals and plants, which can multiply by assimilating organic material and can exist parasitically on the sick body.”

A year later, Dr. Robert Remak, a Polish-German Jew, published the first of his observations that cells – of any living organism including microbes – can arise only by division of parent cells. Thus Remak helped put to rest the concept of spontaneous generation.

Defensive measures and aggressive weapons

Humankind’s war against transmittable diseases accelerated rapidly in the second half of the 19th Century. In the German city of Breslau (today Wrocław, Poland) the botanist-microscopist Dr. Ferdinand Cohn published in 1872 his “Bacteria, the Smallest Living Organisms.” As the undisputed master of the classification of subvisible life, Cohn elucidated that, while a microorganism of one disease may undergo various transformations, it remained the microorganism of that specific disease and not of another.

Ferdinand Cohn

Robert Koch, a gentile [?] student of Henle and protégé of Cohn, discovered the tuberculosis bacterium and revealed the mysterious life cycle of the anthrax bacillus. (note - ed : On Wikipedia we can read that Robert Koch "was irreligious but born Jewish". )

Such dramatic advances led to the discovery of links in the chain by which the various pathogenic microorganisms are transmitted: cholera by drinking water contaminated by sewage, sleeping sickness by the tsetse fly, childbed fever by the contaminated hands of doctors and midwives, malaria (literally ‘bad air’ in Italian) by mosquitoes. And the rat-borne fleas of the Black Death. This led to countermeasures, such as improved sanitation, insecticides, and antiseptic and aseptic techniques.

To such defensive measures were added an arsenal of aggressive weapons. In the 1890s, the Jewish doctor Paul Ehrlich was instrumental in developing serums. The watery part of the blood (after coagulation) of an animal that has fought off a toxin-producing disease such as diphtheria contains powerful anti-toxins, which can be injected into a diphtheria patient.

A brilliant and imaginative chemist, Ehrlich pioneered techniques for selectively staining specific microorganisms to distinguish them under the microscope. This principle inspired him to develop the world’s first chemotherapeutic agent – the arsenical compound Salvarsan, dubbed by him the “magic bullet” – which homed in on and destroyed the spirochetes of syphilis. Ehrlich’s coreligionist Albert Wassermann developed the blood test for asymptomatic carriers of the disease.

Nobel prizes for life-saving vaccines

With the combination of defensive measures and offensive assaults on infectious diseases, a general optimism prevailed as the 20th century dawned that humankind would soon be free of all these age-old scourges. Indeed, by mid-century, Jewish scientists would be awarded the Nobel Prize for developing penicillin and the antibiotic streptomycin – the latter effective against the bacteria of the bubonic plague.

But there was a missing piece to the puzzle: Viruses. Hundreds of times smaller than a bacterium, they would not be seen by a human eye until the invention of the electron microscope in the 1930s. And only later would their nature be revealed: not true living organisms capable of reproducing on their own, but packets of genetic material – DNA or RNA – which penetrate, commandeer, and destroy living cells in order to multiply.

This lack of knowledge had not, however, stopped the English physician Edward Jenner from developing in the late 18th Century a vaccine (from Latin ‘vacca,’ cow) to deliberately inoculate people with the pus of relatively benign cowpox and thereby activate their natural defenses to the far deadlier smallpox.

In the 1880s, the great French chemist Louis Pasteur, a devout Catholic, showed how inoculating a patient with pathogens such as rabies which have been killed or attenuated (weakened by drying or other techniques) similarly activated the natural immune system against a subsequent all-out attack by the fully virulent disease.

The principle of vaccination against viruses was continued around mid-20th century by the work of three Jewish doctors in the United States who took up arms against the dreaded crippler of children, polio. At the University of Pittsburgh, Dr. Jonas Salk developed a highly effective injectable vaccine using killed polio viruses. Hilary Koprowski created at Lederle Laboratories near New York the first oral vaccine, using attenuated viruses. It was developed to full effectiveness by Albert Sabin at the University of Cincinnati. (Newly severed foreskins of babies were used to cultivate the viruses.)

A stamp commemorating the polio vaccines developed by Jonas Salk and Albert Sabin. (note -ed : Albert Sabin - born Abram Saperstein - and Jonas Salk, are probably the most well-known vaccinologists in the world - along with the likes of Paul Ehrlich, Ferdinand Cohn and Stanley Plotkin - all of jewish descent.)

They, like so many other American pioneers in medicine – including three dozen Nobel Prize winners – were descendants of Yiddish-speakers, whose “well-poisoning” forebears had fled hysterical mobs when the Black Death swept the Rhineland in the 14th Century.

Dr. Frank Heynick is the author of the 2002 book “Jews and Medicine: An Epic Saga.” A version of this article appeared last week in the Jewish Journal.
Source: ... g-disease/

I must say that I personally had no idea that viruses have been cultivated using newly-severed penis foreskins of babies. Had you, dear reader?

However, you may have heard about viruses being cultivated using aborted fetal tissue. You may also have bumped into "experts" virulently denying this - and calling it "fake news diffused by disinformed conspiracy theorists" (or something to this effect...). Well, let's hear what the "Godfather of vaccines", the Jewish vaccine wizard Stanley Plotkin has to say about that:

full link:

And now, let's hear what Dr. Stanley Plotkin has to say about the matter - when confronted with an inquisitive interviewer :

full link:

A longer 10-min clip of the above Stanley Plotkin (9-hour) interrogation:

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Unread post by patrix »

That was a mouthful. If there's one thing we need to do, it is to honour those good men and whomen of past and present that spoke up against this systematic lying and crimes against humanity. I could not believe how many vaccine critical books I found stretching back to the 18th century once I started to look for them. We need to preserve and spread these books and information as much as possible. The late 20th century has been a marvelous time for the liars and poisoners since they've been able to keep the knowledge and the warnings from the past out of sight collecting dust in library storage, but now thanks to the internet it is possible to find them again. I had for example never heard of Dr Stefan Lanka until a few months ago when Simon made his first post in this thread, despite having researched medicine for ten years now.
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Unread post by heniek1812 »

simonshack wrote: Thu Jun 18, 2020 4:45 pm A longer 10-min clip of the above Stanley Plotkin (9-hour) interrogation
This video made me feel a bit sick. Wow !!!! The "genius" Plotkin is dodging answering the question about the number of fetuses just like a snake. To think this "magic potion" is injected into people is another beyond belief BS.

I find it very interesting listening to the lawyer and how he deals with this.

Very impressive find and write-up Simon !!!

PS: An interesting comment from the video,
Steven Starfield
Steven Starfield
4 months ago
Aborted Fetal DNA and Gender Disease.

WI-38 is the cell lines from a female aborted fetus, used to cultivate viruses used in vaccines. When you inject the dna from a female (carrying two X chromosomes) into a male (who already carries one X chromosome and a weaker Y chromosome) you now have an overload of the X chromosome DNA. Now we have an onslaught of confused boys who think they should be girls.

Do we have male DNA in vaccines? Yes. The MRC-5 is the code name given to the fetal cell line also used to cultivate vaccine viral components, and it comes from a male aborted fetus. Do we have girls thinking that they're boys? Yes. Is it as prominent as boys wanting to be girls? No.

Why? Because girls have two dominant X chromosomes. When they are injected with a vaccine containing MRC-5, they aren't just getting a Y chromosome but yet another dominant X chromosome, on top of the two they already have. That's why you don't see as many girls wanting to be boys as you do the other way around.
Vaccines manufactured in human fetal cell lines contain unacceptably high levels of fetal DNA fragment contaminants. The human genome naturally contains regions that are susceptible to double strand break formation and DNA insertional mutagenesis
Vaccines originating in abortion.
“Many commonly used vaccines have their origin in cell lines that were originally developed from an aborted fetus.” Ethics & Medics
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Unread post by Altair »

I don't remind being told by doctors, or the media campaigns, that the flu vaccine's effectiveness is well below 50% (as per "official" sources):
Specifically, the flu vaccine has been 50% effective against influenza B/Victoria viruses and 37% effective against influenza A(H1N1)pdm09.
This is a quite difficult to measure parameter. If a vaccinated person doesn't get the flu, you cannot know whether that's due to not having being exposed to the "virus", or that the vaccine was effective. In fact, it's such a low figure that it could be comfortably used to mask the fact that the vaccine is not effective at all.
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Unread post by Only2perCent »

Finally, I figured it all out!

It's time to share the WHOLE science. Ready for it? Viruses do not exist
The scam was used before. The 1918 Spanish Influenza Flu was caused by mass vaccination of the American troops. The soldiers brought that to Europe. Lots of lies about "mortality rates, numbers, cases" to cover the truth up. The researchers could not figure out how the disease spreads, even using the human experiments conducted by the Public Health Service and the U.S. Navy under the supervision of Milton Rosenau on Gallops Island . They totally omitted the possibility of the pathogen being introduced into the bloodstream with the doctor's needle. The false "virology" was never seriously confronted. Hospitals stood empty, all wore the masks... Same crap as today.

Now, Science. Imagine a multi-cellular micro-organism, "moronavirus" they call it, with all those red petals on its durable skin (it survives long distances), even having a "tongue" inside its core; penetrates a human cell (How? It's too big! - Whatever, somehow.). Then our cell starts the Replication process by making the EXACT copies of the intruder (Why? From what? By what built-in mechanism?). In the meantime, the "virus" "rapidly mutates"...

Let's allow, for the argument's sake, that it was possible. Wouldn't the Microworld affect the Macroworld then? We would go to bed in one world and wake up the next morning in a totally different one. Instead, we have multiple DISAPPEARING species. DNA prohibits even Darwinian Theory to be true by keeping species immutable. For once, my grand-grand Father remembers a squirrel the same way I see it today in my backyard...

Meanwhile, the globalist propaganda is what they want us to believe. COVID-19 test designed to detect if you were stupid enough to vaccinate in the past. According to "Groovy Nurses" , the test discovers the traces of previous vaccinations, nothing more.
Last edited by Only2perCent on Thu Jul 16, 2020 10:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post by Altair »

I did some research taking as basis only official, academic papers. And it's puzzling how many gaps are in the process of viral replication. OK, let's grant that it's possible that the RNA from viruses can fool enzimes in human cells into producing virus proteins instead of their own. But how can those proteins, lipids and some other molecules can assemble themselves into those terrifying spheres with protuberating spikes with which they reportedly bind to new cells? Moreover, inside the sphere is a precisely determined RNA strand that will be used to contaminate more cells! The assembly process would be even more incredible that the fact of absoption and replication of the virus materials! As if you dumped a bag of lego bricks into a lottery ball machine and they assembled themselves into meaningful objects.

It turns out that the official literature says very little about this amazing process, mostly that they are completely clueless about it and conjure some hypotheses like that viruses assemble into something called 'rafts' that travel inside cells. Just google for 'virus assembly and release'.
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Unread post by Only2perCent »

Some ammo for fighting Informational War that "Moronavirus" is:

"COVID-19" does not exist for two reasons:

1. "Self-replication". Even if a pathogen came in contact with or penetrated a human cell, the cell does not start reproducing the exact copies of the intruder. Impregnated egg-cell (zygote) does not reproduce sperm. The off-spring carries the traits from both parents, remember?

2. "Rapid mutation". DNA explicitly prohibits mutation in nature by keeping species immutable. Mutants exist only in fiction. This rule extends to the micro-world, as well.

Seasonal Flu, which was assigned the "COVID-19" name this season, is not of a viral nature. The cause of it is a combination of seasonal environmental factors, such as: temperature; humidity or air dryness; pollen (in Spring), abundance of microbial particles in the air (in Fall); seasonal vitamin deficiency, etc. The illness cannot produce "antibodies", otherwise, we all would be immune by now. Therefore, vaccines are useless against the flu variety. Sick people share common symptoms, but a combination of contributing factors might be so much different.

Copy and Spread freely. Attribution welcome. ;)
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Unread post by glg »

Not sure if this is the correct thread for this post as what I want to share here has less to do with the origin of the virus idea, then with the origin, or history, of the never ending Plandemics idea.
No doubt the readers here and perhaps even more so some of the longest standing members of cluesforum will find the following interesting.
Credit is due to David Martin (link at the bottom) for finding a reference as to when the term ¨The New Normal¨ was first introduced and with the help of that reference I found the video of the original lecture titled:
21st Century Health Threats: The New Normal
Viewing the lecture I can't help but think that the post 9/11 anthrax scare was designed as an early prelude to what we are witnessing now and I can't say I'm surprised at that.
The lecture serves just as another hint as to how much planning and forethought goes into this allround criminal global ensnarement enterprise.
Anyway, here it is:

As perhaps an interesting aside, I have heard that Pres. Biden made a campaign promise to end cancer and that what he is referring to, is ending cancer by way of a vaccine.
To the side of the lecture link above, the viewer can find more old NIH videos to that end and how it seems as to what they have in mind is, therapeutic mRNA vaccines (genetherapy) to combat cancer, which just points to an enhanced vaccine regimen of never before seen proportions.

Link to David Martin World:
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Unread post by patrix »

At 26 minutes in that first video Corona viruses and Sars-Cov are brought up. And here we are two decades later with Corona and Sars-Cov-2. How creative...
36 minutes: "Fast science" produced identification of Sars-Cov and PCR-tests for it... This Covidiot is such a rinse and repeat of SARS. Didn't know that.
44:46 "Be first, be right, be credible" :puke:
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