"FALLING MAN" - the phony jumpers

The notion of 'thousands of victims' was crucial to generate universal public outrage. However, having 3000 angry families breathing down their necks was never part of the perps' demented plan. Our ongoing analyses and investigations suggest that NO one died on 9/11.
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Unread post by brianv »

truthseeker wrote:
brianv wrote:Don't you see what's going on here Simon? Questioning the footage as if it were somehow legitimate. It makes no difference which angle the fly walked across the screen in the latest Lookout Mountain studios, the "footage" was fabricated years prior to the event. Just like the towers were emptied years before [IF THEY WERE EVER POPULATED]. The static cameras in the sky yeah, the five mile zooms, the post-production software panning and shake. It was fed to the TV stations the same way the loony landings were, 4 decades ago. It worked that time. Why not use it again? There was NO footage taken on that day. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Right on Brian! You bring common sense, when there is none. As if they could make this movie in one day....
They wouldn't know which airplanes would be in use in the future (200?) - hence the abstract, child's drawing of a blob type thing which darted across our screens. WTF was that?
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Unread post by simonshack »


"KING KONG MAN" update:

The absurd "King Kong Man" (approximate height: 13ft - or 3,9m) was actually aired on ABC on September 11, around 1PM:


Just for the record. :) http://archive.org/details/abc200109111241-1323 (at 19:35 into the archive clip)

And here's a gif I made from this infamous video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=titNIkNc9e8

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Dear readers,

In this thread, we have methodically analyzed practically every single existing image (still or video) of "the tragic WTC jumpers". All have been, without fail, exposed as fake - as in fabricated digital imagery / or CGI animations / cartoons. Call them what you will, but NONE of these images/videos can possibly be legit/authentic photographic documentations filmed in the real world on 9/11 (as they all are purported to be). We have taken great care in verifying the sources of these images - and verified that they have all been, at one stage or another, aired on (multiple) TV networks and/or published in the mainstream press all over the world.

Of course, our contention has been - for many years now - that virtually NONE of the 9/11 imagery shown on TV and the printed press is legit and truthful. The successively released shock-and-awe imagery of "people jumping to their deaths" is only one part of the Grand Pool of fabricated 'Hollywood" imagery created in order to sell the official 9/11 storyline. However, it was arguably the most shocking & horrific imagery to strike the eyes and minds of the unsuspecting public / TV viewers (the only real victims of this wretched psychological operation): the notion of these "office workers opting to jump instead of being barbecued like pork chops" left an indelible mark in people's psyches - and effectively (according to plan) raised their anger tenfold against "Binladen and his evil gang of muslim terrorists". It also, of course, helped imprint the idea that there were people inside the doomed (and empty) WTC towers.

Our efforts have been, ironically, greatly been helped by the (absurd) release of a bunch of higher-resolution imagery by NIST (the National Institute of Standards and Technology)... in 2010, nine years after the event(!!!). The higher-definition imagery has put to rest the recurring objections and complaints (by our critics & naysayers) who basically argued that "all the anomalies we detected in the imagery were just random artifacts due to low quality/ resolution / video compression", and so on and so forth. To be sure, only a minor part of our analyses has dealt with mere 'pixel-issues' and such like - but the greater detail provided by the 2010 NIST imagery has effectively helped us to bust the rampant and pervasive 9/11 image fakery in clearer and more compelling fashion. I do consider that our case has been incontrovertibly proven - and that only fools or corrupt individuals will disagree with this fact.

The last fall man fail
I will now submit what I'd call the 'last fall man fail' - as I believe we have analyzed and exposed pretty much every single existing image of the "WTC jumpers" - so this one may be, hopefully, the very last. It shows a man climbing out of a window, somehow hauling himself down for a bit, then losing his grip and plummeting down.

The first question one might ask: WHY doesn't he fall STRAIGHT down like Newton's apple - but sideways, in oblique fashion?

source video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=titNIkNc9e8

But you know, naysayers would probably say "duh!" it's just a question of perspectives / viewing angles" - or something to that tune. So let's take a closer look at some frames of this video. If you have read this thread, you will already know that the WTC windows were 7 feet tall. The man does not appear to be closer to the camera than the windows at right - so we can use one such window height as a reference to make a fair estimate of the height of the man. So, I ask you, dear reader: can a man be approximately 21ft (6,4m) tall?


So yes, we have another "KING KONG MAN' here (see previous page of thread) and this should be more than enough to conclude - beyond any reasonable doubt - that this clip is totally and irredeemably fake. But let me just mention another anomaly which, however redundant it may as compared with the above howler, has me shaking my head in disbelief. Now, I have probably watched thousands of WTC images over the years, but I've honestly never seen that row of protruding shapes marked with red question marks ["?"]. As we can see, they are supposed to be located a few stories below the "plane gash"... If you have seen these shapes in any WTC façade images, please let me know!


King Kong died on 9/11... or perhaps Hollywood did?

Good Bye, "9/11 jumpers". You are ALL definitively and comprehensively busted ! :)
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Unread post by simonshack »

Another 'terrible mistake" by the media clowns... :rolleyes:

"Esquire Makes Terrible 9/11 Mistake With Falling Man Photo"


read all about it - here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/09/1 ... 07866.html
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Re: "FALLING MAN" - the phony jumpers

Unread post by simonshack »


A great little educational video by Youtube user "MEDIA FAKERY" (the man behind the fine http://www.mediahoaxes.tumblr.com website)

full link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btypbeV5YoQ
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Re: "FALLING MAN" - the phony jumpers

Unread post by hoi.polloi »

For those who cannot see the video, among the points raised are:
  • A "jumper" who appears to have some kind of "cape" falling/soaring from the building
  • A different "jumper" who appears to fall diagonally across the viewed face of the simulated "WTC"
  • A different "jumper" who appears in the middle of the blue sky with no apparent connection to the simulated "WTC"
  • A pair of different "jumpers" who fall at very different rates
  • Simon's point about the King Kong man among other sims who appears a magnitude larger than the simulated "WTC" window
All good points about the absurdity of the imagery, and further indication that much of the "events" of the day were crudely prefabricated in a simulation "program" that focused on various unrelated phenomena such as casting simulated shadows, making simulated smoke, having simulated wind effects, simulating body dynamics and human animal behavior, simulated day lighting and so on, but not a cohesive 3-D physics engine that would accurately reflect a perfect simulation of reality.

Instead, we are left to conclude that the images seen on the subject of these "terrorist attacks" have been crudely and coldly manufactured for the purposes of telling the false narrative as broadly as possible rather than with as much perfect detail as possible.

If the jumpers had been simulated more accurately, it would still not be as effective at convincing the populace as a broad range of media crudely reinforcing the same story. The imagery was meant to convince a wide spectrum of "visual" people, but not all of them. The radio broadcasts and newspaper articles about the "jumpers" were meant to convince a wide spectrum of "audio" and "literary" people, but not all of them. They knew their technology was not up to speed but they took a bold calculated risk based on the military strategy of doing such.

It is safe to assume that the military intelligencia's grip on our corporate media would be adequate motivation to completely fake events such as "terrorist attacks", and then use monitoring of the Internet responses (including ours) to safeguard and improve upon their simulations enough to fill in the gaps. Ergo, it is safe to assume that if this were true, they would be betting on the sweep of human compassion and emotions that have been their foil for a long time, and for these to overrun and overwhelm any sort of logic or science that we are attempting to apply and reason with. And what is more compelling to the heart than the human stories of self-sacrifice or even cowardly suicide?

Most people do not take a sophisticated approach to absorbing the media they trust. They simply choose to trust it, for emotional reasons of comfort and other human needs that are exploited by the propagandists, and see the inherent "truthness" and "goodness" in the narrative presented by their trusted media. Be it radio, newspaper, magazine, highly paid comedian, pundit, politician, TV, actor or movie; all of these crafts have been in the public eye long enough to have been fully appreciated, understood and now exploited by the military intelligencia. Some could say that particularly crafty minds may have always been watching the media with that purpose rather than seeing it the way any of us "normal" people watch it for entertainment and to feel good. Those minds would be watching arts, crafts and technologies for their power to inspire in humans the persuasion, influence and control we exert on ourselves, and create media with the purpose of chaining us to our own habits, rather than watching it as a way to spread truth. Perhaps they even see it both ways, but do not ignore the former more immoral way of looking at it, as most of us choose to do with our trusted media.

It isn't that these habits of ours are particularly bad or unhealthy (though we might have some others, which are) but that we are living in a time where we are seemingly meant to make choices about who and what we will be trusting to "lead" societies into the future. Nations are no longer strictly organized by country State governments. They are organized as cross-national, loose affiliations of likeminded individuals attracted to technologically controlled and monitored media informed by local politics and catered to demographics. It doesn't matter to most people what nationalities, genders or ages are operating CBS, CNN, BBC, Al Jazeera, Sky, ABC, Reuters. As long as it pretends to represent the old country-based definition of national interests, so it will be trusted as such. So all the world is and will continue to be ruled by the most passionate cultures operating those powers — the power of television, the power of photography, the power of newspaper, the power of advertising, the power of radio, and so on — knitting the blood ties and family bonds which still hold all of humanity in tribal formations, and which not one single person is completely free from.

It doesn't matter, in the theory of these power-obsessed, that the jumpers aren't real, because they are dramatic stories of a timeless human exercise of motivated suicide told in context to each particular media consumer demographic. The truth of the motivated suicide is the part of the story which people are absorbing, because we know that it happens. It didn't really happen on the scale advertised on 9/11, possibly and probably nobody killed themselves by hurling themselves from the broke, empty WTC financial-failures that were the towers, but because the news media all over focused on the human interest stories of existentialism, sensationalism and tragedy that accompanies the truth of motivated suicide when it should happen in real life, the news media is viewed as having human interests at heart, rather than military interests.

A military interest, the average media consumer reasons, would not take time to focus on the suicides and would remorselessly censor them. Most people have failed to catch that the military's new way of imposing order is by appealing to the very subjects we hold most dear, and organizing society around its most compassionate and humanistic ideals. Even a cartoonish exaggeration of such for extra amusement on the cynical job of manufacturing human interest stories.

If 9/11 had actually happened and just one person had really killed themselves because of the hopelessness and bleakness of their situation in the towers, there would be a righteous call for peace and forgiveness and an equally compelling case for revenge and self-defense from the enemy. Just as the hoaxsters simulated after the fake 9/11 story.

So it is not without complete misunderstanding of their target interest groups that the hoaxers crafted a narrative; only, it doesn't have the ring of real truth to it, merely the artistic truth of melodrama and fiction. What are missing from the cynical exercises are heart, spirit and true compassion for their audience, which they falsely believe they can simulate by mimicking the facts of life that motivate humanity to improve upon itself, to recognize its connections to that which it is connected to on a less obvious material level, to seek the truth, hopes, dreams and even ideals that have made the human experience worth living for in the first place. These things are absent and infinitely unattachable to their propaganda because they are lying and because they are not using art for the humanistic reasons that we were granted artistic skills.

To me it seems the "falling man" is ultimately an unintentional metaphor about their own selves, for those psychotically detached from their fellow beings and who can only relate to them as they relate to animals they exploit and use. They cannot care about living in the world they cannot sympathize with. And their self-aggrandizing, "heroic" and Pyrrhic plummet to sheer materialism from the rather shaky summit of material wealth is little more than an exercise for them in self-recognition and errant child-like magical thinking. That in their pretended transformation from greedy psychotics to humanistic Robin Hoods of true spiritual values, they can somehow manufacture or simulate that which they most secretly resent in others: the ability to love all life, and the recognition we have of their inadequacy in relating to life's true purpose.
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Re: "FALLING MAN" - the phony jumpers

Unread post by brianv »

Hoi, write a book dude! Your mastery of language is phenomenal.
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Re: "FALLING MAN" - the phony jumpers

Unread post by fbenario »

brianv wrote:Your mastery of language is phenomenal.
Ditto. Very well-written, Hoi, and very persuasive.
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Re: "FALLING MAN" - the phony jumpers

Unread post by simonshack »


KING KONG MAN (continued)

:lol: :P This must be the funniest debunking attempt in the history of the September Clues research :

"Simon Shack's King Kong Man debunked" http://worldaccordng.blogspot.co.uk/201 ... ecent.html
The author of this silliness is none other than self-declared "photo expert" Ian Greenhalgh - one of Fetzer's snarling poodles over at the "REAL DEAL" blog. Greenhalgh's own blog is - most appropriately - called "The world according to me"!

So, just to make sure ... here we go again:

********************************************************picture insert at right shows REAL dimensions of the WTC façade

As incredible as it may seem, the 9/11 animators botched the WTC façade proportions! "KING KONG MAN" is far taller than the WTC windows - and about as tall as the 352cm-long aluminum cladding (see box at right with measurements of real WTC).
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Re: "FALLING MAN" - the phony jumpers

Unread post by Flabbergasted »

Does it matter how tall the man is if, as Simon has already shown, the building in the NIST production is clearly different from the WTC?
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Re: "FALLING MAN" - the phony jumpers

Unread post by simonshack »

Flabbergasted wrote:Does it matter how tall the man is if, as Simon has already shown, the building in the NIST production is clearly different from the WTC?
True, dear Flabbergasted - I guess you could put it this way... One could say it's a question of "logical perspectives"...

Here's how Mr Greenhalgh's, uh, 'logic perspective' goes:
Ian Greenhalgh wrote:"Just look at the exterior column the man is next to, it is 56cm wide, for him to be 4m tall as Shack claims, he would have to be 8 times as tall as that column is wide, which plainly isn't the case."
http://radiofetzer.blogspot.it/2014/02/ ... 4327904142
Greenhalgh does not (or more likely, pretends not to) understand that the whole point has to do with the relative architectural proportions (heights & widths) of the various elements (windows / spandrels) of the WTC tower façade - as shown in the "King Kong Man" video (animation) clip. Of course, IF the width of the exterior columns (56cm) were correctly proportioned with the window heights, King Kong Man would indeed be 8 times as tall as the columns are wide.

In any event - to put it quite simply - no human being (that we know of) can be far taller than the WTC's 220cm (approx 7ft) window heights.
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Re: "FALLING MAN" - the phony jumpers

Unread post by hoi.polloi »

fbenario wrote:
brianv wrote:Your mastery of language is phenomenal.
Ditto. Very well-written, Hoi, and very persuasive.
Thanks very much. I don't want to dilute our important points but I am still waiting on Simon to finish his first book on September Clues ... a topic perhaps better suited for the Art Corner.
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Re: "FALLING MAN" - the phony jumpers

Unread post by DeeJay »

I post here a link to a series of photographs of "jumpers" and associated photographs of the Towers that I found on a website whilst reading about Neil Bush and the Silverado S&L mess. I haven't seen these ones before.

http://spikethenews.blogspot.fr/2013/07 ... mpers.html

I checked the properties of the 2 photographs above the map of human remains near the new Muslim Center. The date (created & modified) for those 2 photographs was today, 19/11/2014, I don't know if the fact that I clicked on the properties changed this or were they just posted or what. Anyway, new visuals for me and maybe for you.

Brutal Metal
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Re: "FALLING MAN" - the phony jumpers

Unread post by Brutal Metal »

you'd think some photos would have leaked by now showing bodies mangled in pieces on the pavement, the only one I remember was that totally fake one :D
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Re: "FALLING MAN" - the phony jumpers

Unread post by simonshack »


KING KONG MAN debunking attempt

I was just alerted (not by the actual / anonymous authors themselves) to the fact that a new KING KONG MAN debunking effort has been published on Youtube - by YT user "KurtsFilmeVideo". A youtube commenter ('DavidGPeters') wrote the below message under my FAKE PENTAGON SMOKE video today:
DavidGPeters wrote:Ridiculous bullshit as everything by this Shack moron Similar moronic bullshit as this:
debunked here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=az4mxJo4Y7s
So here's the said (or sad?) debunking effort:

full link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=az4mxJo4Y7s

"KurtsFilmeVideo" presents two graphics to illustrate their "point" - here's one of them:


( Here's the other graphic presented : http://i.imgur.com/fzfdt1V.jpg )

As you can see, "KurtsFilmeVideo" has the height of what we may call "the window-&-spandrel fairing" at 3,70m (while I / my sources had them at a slightly shorter 3,52m - but as you will see, this discrepancy is of marginal importance).

The funniest thing is that - in order to further / corroborate their contention, "KurtsFilmeVideo" also links to the below image (which certainly isn't meant to have been shot from ground level) and calls it "Real lean angle of a 'King Kong Man". By this ("Real lean angle") I suppose it is implied that what we see in this image doesn't 'suffer' from the same 'heavy-perspective-distortion-optical-phenomena' submitted in the above, curious graphics:

About the alleged author of this image, "José Jimenez": http://www.cluesforum.info/viewtopic.ph ... 9#p2381339

I will now ask you to open the original file of the above image - and enlarge the image on your screen - until the head of the circled man reaches approx 1cm in height. You should then have (on your screen) the height of "the window-&-spandrel fairing" at approx 7cm. (Note: your screen's aspect ratio doesn't matter much, since we are only going to make vertical measurements of two parallel objects in the image). As you can easily calculate, this means that it would take no more than 7 heads of that man to stretch from top-to-toe of the "the window-&-spandrel fairing" (approx 3,52m - or 3,70m, according to "KurtsFilmeVideo's" data).

Now, human anatomy tells us that an average man is approx "7,5 heads tall":

If the head measurement doesn't satisfy you for accuracy, try estimating the location / pixel area of the leaning man's navel. On your screen, it should be approx 3cm down from the top of his head. To estimate the man's total height (whose legs we cannot see), you would need to add 4,5cm to your 3 centimeters. That adds up to 7,5cm - i.e. 0,5cm more than the 7cm "window-&-spandrel fairing".

This means - quite simply - that the leaning man (whom I will keep calling the "KING KONG MAN") must be roughly as tall as "the window-&-spandrel fairing" (or taller) - or in any case, the man must be more than 3m (or 10ft) tall. This is, I think we can all agree, just an impossible height for a human being.

I rest my case.
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