The notion of 'thousands of victims' was crucial to generate universal public outrage. However, having 3000 angry families breathing down their necks was never part of the perps' demented plan. Our ongoing analyses and investigations suggest that NO one died on 9/11.
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Unread post by ozzybinoswald »

Oh Ducky.

Are you saying that just because a bunch of actors and media scumbags claim that some entity is real, that that's proof enough? Or just because a name has been typed out? All backed up by 2 or 3 phony-looking images?

Is Carolyn Beug real? She produced that Van Halen song, you know. The band thanked her. They pronounced her name with their famous mouths and famous people never lie on tv. They would not read from a prepared script. No sir.

She threw an annual party for the twins' soccer team! I read it on Legacy! There are tributes from people who remember her infectious smile! God, the humanity!

How can that not be real?
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Unread post by D.Duck »


Are you saying that just because a bunch of actors and media scumbags claim that some entity is real, that that's proof enough?

Yes, and to be perfectly clear, not all Actors and media people are scumbags and in on it.

There is a reason the guy with the name Angell was real and the reason is:

It was easy and could not have been done in any other way cos they needed a real guy with a high profile.

He was the commercial they needed that had cred and he was sold in the beginning by all famous people that had meet him, and the selling was that real people actually died on a "plane" and they got the commercial without paying one cent for it cos Holy-wood Actors are real people and just as stupid as the rest of the world and they believed 9/11 was a real event.

I will write you a little script

Famous Actor being part of the Angell shows for 11 years is getting interviewed on Letterman or Leno after 9/11.
Conversation talk show after 9/11:

Its a tragedy what has happened to our country and you have worked with a writer/producer/creator Mr. David Angell on your successful show that has been on air for 11 years. We have information he was on Flight 11 that slammed into the north tower.

Yea, I heard that and I cant imagine what it was like for those poor people on that Flight.

We have information he was on that Flight with his wife and it must have been horrific, so how do you feel? can you describe your relationship with the guy and when was the last time you meet him before this catastrophic event?


Well Dave, you might think this is strange but there is not much I can say cos I never met the guy.

Whooosch,Baam, Cabooooom, ?#"&*^?????????????

Could never happen, bad commercial and not selling what was needed.

What was needed the days right after 9/11 was to sell emotion, identification, hero, all American guy, worked his way up, the American dream crushed by terrorists, I could go on but you know what I mean and all famus people sold it without knowing it was a lie.

It was important for the Psyop guys to have famous people say they knew a real person that was killed cos then the window in TV viewers mind was open to that all people killed was real.

Do you see now why they could not have a Fake Angell.

There would be to much risk cos you need to ask every low life Actor and showbiz guy in Holy-wood when someone put a mic in their face to be in on it and that cant happen, to much risk..

What I think was going on with Angell is that the Psyop guys knew that every showbiz guy in Holy-Wood was going to sell the lie for them without even knowing it, God I am impressed of the Psyop guys at Pentagon/Stratcom.

I can honestly say I have a Love/Hate relationship with the Psyop guys cos I hate what they are doing but I am impressed of how good they are on what they are doing.

All backed up by 2 or 3 phony-looking images?

Well, if you look at other famous writers/producers/creators from shows that has nothing to do with 9/11, there are not many pictures of them either.

I think we are living in an illusion that there must be many pictures and I have had that mindset too but with the mindset I have today, I would have thought it was strange if I found 25 perfect pictures with the family and the dog and all that bullshit, but I agree, they are Phony-looking and I have no explanation for it.

Is Carolyn Beug real?

I have not a clue cos I have not looked close so of course she could be Fake but I dont think Van Halen read from a script in 1992 cos of 9/11.

Hey, I like when you are pushing me for answers and dont think I have invested me as a person in this one cos I could be completely wrong and the Psyop guys got me,haha cos my kick is to get them and figure it out.

Ozzy, please give me your thoughts on the other stuff I sent you and when you do, dont go public with it cos I dont want the the guy to slip out of my hands if its a match.

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Unread post by hoi.polloi »

Brutal Metal 4 Sep 4 2010, 06:33 AM wrote: What about the video that D Duck posted at the beginning of this thread where a person with a greying beard named David Angell was interviewed with 2 other colleages about the birth of Frasier before Sept 11,2001? Who is that?
I like the theory about relocation to a foreign country and assuming a new identity, it seems he was a real person..
Who indeed? This video's top comment pointing out specifically David Angell in the video is by zolessi, whose profile is the following: http://www.youtube.com/user/zolessi

Typical almost-empty account features videos about being the 'wing' to an 'angel' - an imaginary body part of an imaginary creature?

Friends of zolessi include 'truth seekers' and 'patriots' and the only comment is about seeing a mile-long UFO.

Who is playing 'David Angell' in this clip made in or around 1999 - just 2 years prior to the 'David Angell dedication episode' when he was to be dead in the fictional terror attack of 9/11? Could D.Duck be right and this is the guy who was walking around being 'David L/R Angell' and why is the camera skewed during that interview with a fish-eye lens? Is it just convenience that to fit the three folks on camera in such a way, they also distorted the man purporting to be Angell in this scene?

The other folks seem familiar with the guy and I can see why D.Duck wants to lean in the direction of Angell being a real flesh-and-blood guy who is everything they think he is. I just think we can't forget that there is a play within a play going on here and D.Duck is just trying to figure out where that border is - who is "in" and who is "out" of this information.

Our presumption, from the outside, is that everyone belonging to a network is "in" on it, but that is false thinking and D.Duck is right to challenge us on that generality because that is the same kind of error we make when we blame 'the Jesuits' or 'the Zionists' for 9/11 without naming specific names.

My take would be that Angell is still a fictional character that many people brushing the shows he touched suspected, knew about or dumbly enabled if he was walking around NBC studios. "There goes that mysterious and shy 'David Angell' (smirk)"

The title of the episode Don Juan in Hell - the extra long premiere of the 2001 season of Frasier on September 25th, 2001 dedicated to the 'loss of David Angell' (what a happy coincidence that 9/11 glued people to the TVs during this time) is an artistic reference to a play within a play performed in a George Bernard Shaw story 'Man and Superman'. - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Man_and_Superman (Speaking of Zionist themes *ahem*)

Meta themes about meta topics? On Frasier? Perish the thought!


The Grateful Dead released a tribute comment to the dead of 9/11 that was later deleted from the Internet, which I found in an archive. I would not be surprised if Van Hallen did the same thing and I think neo-Pentagon Stratcom sometimes plays this game - feeding big boys the fake names - knowing full well that their profile prevents them from flip-flopping to their fickle audience ... and as a result, certain high-profile celebrities don't want to admit they were bamboozled like everyone else and - after realizing there is controversy about what they thought was a simple statement or nod to suspicious circumstances - will either shut up, take legal action and scramble to delete their endorsements of 9/11 from the web OR will roll with the punches and just endorse the fake story as they are courted by friends who assure them that there is an over-arching 'good' to be created out of it.

Some folks submit, like a deer caught in the headlights or the jaws of a jungle cat, and others always strive to be free no matter what. Those guys - the celebrities who are not in on it, who are biding their time trying to sort out which of their friends is in on it and how to proceed intelligently, are mentally begging for us to publicly shame their powerful friends who they suspect made a very bad, stupid decision in endorsing the 9/11 propaganda.

We have to keep on going because sometimes those Hollywood people who are surrounded by corruption are so spun around by a sick and twisted city they need some down-to-Earth average folks like us to display a true loyalty to humanity. In that case, Angell doesn't have to be 'real' - he represents the spiral of silence that must end.
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Unread post by hoi.polloi »

The Perlman family is arguably a long-running criminal government element stationed at NBC. The Perlman family is deep into the Hollywood/TV sphere.

Rhea Perlman wrote a series about a child born into an undercover identity program (remember my reference to 'the grass' which is an ancient war strategy program used in Japan at least as late as the 19th century?).
The series is about Jake Eboy, known as "Otto Pillip" to disguise his identity. The fake palindromic name was created by his parents to protect him. Although he has all kinds of adventures in his self-invented racecar named Racecar, his main aim is to find his parents and defeat their enemies.

Rhea Perlman is the wife of Danny DeVito, who took part in a program to continually remind America of 'victims lost on 9/11' and a program tied to Rockefeller, and largescale weapons manufacturer Honeywell involved in the recent Haiti invasion disguised as a humanitarian effort Operation USA (http://www.opusa.org). Danny DeVito is connected to lunatic politician Arnold Schwartzenegger, who he publicly distances himself from over the joke that is partisan left-right bickering.

"I'm definitely a Democrat but I think he's got a great centrist attitude - although he does support the wrong president, who we all know is one of the biggest mistakes the United States has ever made. "But I do support him, and I'll support him at this next election. He cares about the things I care about."
- http://www.contactmusic.com/news.nsf/st ... ce_1012458

(As a silly aside, the DeVito and Perlman couple are apparently members of the steering committee of the 'Friends of the Apollo' which is a famous theater.)

We already know that DeVito and Perlman were a couple in the Taxi show already referenced in this topic, which involves our vicsim friend 'David Angell'.

This connected actress Rhea Perlman who writes about long undercover children just happens to be the sister of Heide Perlman, a credit listed often by 'David Angell' in the Cheers/Frasier asset. You might recognize the fun fact that two Perlmans were in Cheers - one as producer and one as actress. Do you approve of this research D.Duck?
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Unread post by simonshack »

Well done, Hoi - interesting stuff. Let me first say sorry (to everyone) for last night's silly 'outburst'. Of course the "Angell hunt" is an important matter - everything in this research is important matter! *slapping self on fingers*

I ran myself through a little Frasier crash-course and read all I could find about the show itself. I learned that the script features an 'unseen character' http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unseen_character called Maris. She's said to be Niles Crane's (Frasier's younger brother) estranged wife. She's a very wealthy heiress addicted to plastic surgery and only appears virtually on two occasions in the show (once covered in bandages after plastic surgery - and once as a shadow behind a shower curtain). The Maris character's narration ends with her murdering her Argentinian boyfriend and escaping to her own private island in the Pacific.

I just thought this was curious and interesting...
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Unread post by fbenario »

fred 4 Sep 3 2010, 08:28 PM wrote:

Showing a few of these assholes that there's no such thing as a clean getaway will go a long way to shutting down their operation. They've had a carefree charmed existence and 9 years of worry-free bliss. Now its time for them to consider overdosing on their prescription pills or spending a dull life behind bars.

Is anybody in France thinking about building Versailles? Showing the Neil Armstrongs and Miriam Hyman's of the world that there's actually some downside to being a professional scam artist will make others reluctant to follow in their footsteps. Let's help the funny man be a neocon hero--somebody should tie him to a smart bomb and drop him on a street corner in Tehran. Stuff him in a bag without his shoes and leave him in a TSA X-ray machine. Put him in an orange jumpsuit. Have him kidnapped by space alien NASA UFO's. Do something!

I'd like to know where he's currently enjoying his retirement and how he's adjusting to undercover life.
I agree that we should continue pursuing these people - by making the attempt, we may both accomplish some good, and cause them some trouble. I particularly like the last two paragraphs below.

The Triumph of Evil

Modern societies have justified their adoption of criminal activities by claiming that such techniques are necessary to combat evil. But the war against evil by the good cannot be won using evil tactics. Evil never yields goodness, and by using these evil practices, the amount of evil in the world increases both in amount and extent.
Some decades ago, while having dinner with a newly elected Attorney General of the State of North Carolina and the Chief Justice of that state's Supreme Court, the jurist told me that everyone involved in the legal system and enforcement had to think like criminals to catch them. He believed the statement to be straight forward and evident until I pointed out that the line between thinking like a criminal and acting like one is very fine and is easily and frequently crossed, which results in increasing the amount of evil in society rather than reducing it. Few apparently notice this consequence and the criminal-like behavior of those charged with enforcing and adjudicating the law has increased so substantially that it has become common practice.
The establishment does not expect people to act in [new] ways; it expects them to use the normal established channels to express their disapproval. But those established channels have long ago been shown to be ineffective. All that is required to win the battle against evil is to find ways to make the lives of the miscreants miserable. No laws, not violence, not even punishment is needed. Annoy them, shame them, shun them, ostracize them, turn them into social outcasts, personae non gratae. Even if the good in society constitute only a minority, if the minority is large enough, it can succeed using such benign but annoying techniques.

The situation described above is only one of many possibilities. Imaginative people can conceive of others which can be equally effective. Think of ways of using the telephone, twitter, posters, and anything else in similar ways. The governing maxim needed is just make the miscreant's life miserable.

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Unread post by fbenario »

During the last two weeks, when I'm on Google Images, it shuts off my access after only about 4 clicks, whether I'm looking at pages of different images, or clicking on specific images to enlarge them. The automated shutdown message I get is "Your computer may be sending automated queries", or some such nonsense.

Any idea how to avoid this, so I can research images for as long as I want?
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Unread post by fbenario »

fbenario 4 Sep 5 2010, 02:36 PM wrote: All that is required to win the battle against evil is to find ways to make the lives of the miscreants miserable. No laws, not violence, not even punishment is needed. Annoy them, shame them, shun them, ostracize them, turn them into social outcasts, personae non gratae.
Hmm. Maybe they are on to something.

Blair cancels book-signing over protests

A group set up on the social networking site Facebook is calling for people to move copies into the "crime" section of bookstores.

"Make bookshops think twice about where they categorize our generations (sic) greatest war criminal," said the campaign, which has attracted almost 7,000 members.

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Unread post by fbenario »

In the other vicsim thread, member Fred theorizes that the actor William Peterson was used as a model for the vicsim William Fallon - and for some reason, I can't quote that post.


When I saw the name William Fallon, it reminded me of the general William Fallon, whose face looks similar to the vicsim Fallon, in the eyes, eyelids, chin, etc.


On January 4, 2007, President Bush nominated Fallon for his fourth four-star command to replace John Abizaid, who was retiring from the U.S. Army, as Commander of the United States Central Command, (CENTCOM).
Fallon joined the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Center for International Studies as a Robert Wilhelm Fellow for nine months, starting August 2008. He will collaborate with the MIT community in research, seminars, conferences and other intellectual projects.
Admiral Fallon joined Tilwell Petroleum LLC in August, 2009 as a partner and advisor for the company's strategic business development program. "We are excited to have Admiral Fallon join our team at Tilwell," said Tony Cardwell, Managing Member of Tilwell. "Admiral Fallon's extensive experience in the Navy and his work with government and non-governmental agencies is a great addition to Tilwell as we continue to expand our customer base and support for both military and commercial applications."[20]

Admiral Fallon was named chief executive officer of NeuralIQ Government Services, Inc. in March 2010

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Unread post by fbenario »

fbenario 4 Aug 27 2010, 04:35 PM wrote: Is this possible vicsim worth any further research?

This image looks to my untrained eyes as if there is a jaw/neck join-line, the head/shoulders look inserted into a random picture, the bicycle appears to have only a front brake, the handlebars don't look like any I've seen (and I've ridden 55,000 miles on my bike since 1996), and the only images of him as an adult that I can find are on bicycles.


CIA probes British spy murder as it emerges he was sent on frequent missions to Pentagon's high-security listening post

The reclusive maths genius and rumours of cross-dressing and blackmail

‘We nicknamed him the maths genius because he was so clever. He was so naive, he was someone people could easily take advantage of.

‘I wouldn’t have thought he was a very good judge of character and it’s possible he got to know someone who wasn’t very safe. He was so innocent.’

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... -post.html

I'm sorry, but people who are naive don't become spies, who lie for a living.
I posted this 1-1/2 weeks ago about the probable vicsim spy Gareth Williams. Today a new thread appeared in the Current Events portion of this forum, titled BLURRY SPY FOUND DEAD, discussing Williams.

Could I post in that forum, please?
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Unread post by hoi.polloi »

Sorry, fbenario. Please don't use this thread to post unrelated stuff. ("Your computer may be sending automated queries" - not sure how to help, but I am interested. Can't you start another topic about this?)
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Unread post by fred »

fbenario @ Sep 8 2010, 01:20 AM wrote:
I posted this 1-1/2 weeks ago about the probable vicsim spy Gareth Williams.
Good call on the vicsim spy. The story is as queer as a nine bob note.
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Unread post by fbenario »

Have we looked at this vicsim before? The New York Times includes all the standard malarkey in this long article about the 'widow' and children'.

The 'widow's' fabricated name, Hadidjatou, sounds like an inside joke, an illiterate's transcription of the question 'how did you do it'. Think we might have figured out how they did it? We have by now, certainly.

And what a surprise it's in the NY Times right before another 9/11 anniversary.

Nearly every Sept. 11 since Sept. 11, Hadidjatou Karamoko Traor? has made sure that her three children were dressed in their best clothes, and taken them from their tidy brick home in the Bronx to the pit where the World Trade Center stood, and where her husband, their father, worked and died.

After the attacks, all that was found of Abdoul-Karim Traor?, a cook at the Windows on the World restaurant, were his leather wallet, his identification cards and a few coins.
Mrs. Traor? works the overnight shift as a nurse’s assistant at Jacobi Medical Center in the Bronx. She loves to cook: peanut sauce and doughy fritters are her specialties. She has a wide smile and a raspy laugh. Her life, a juggling act of homework, bills and prayer, is one Sept. 11 story
Mr. Traor? first worked delivering groceries; later he got a job as a cook at the restaurant inside the American Museum of Natural History, and then came the opportunity at Windows on the World. He worked the 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. shift, which allowed him to make extra money delivering USA Today in the early morning.
Mr. Traor?’s remains were never found, but his wallet was recovered intact, as if he had only forgotten it on the nightside table. For years, Souleymane kept it as a totem.


http://www.nytimes.com/2010/09/10/nyreg ... ml?_r=2&hp



It dawned on me after I posted the first picture that the children don't look very similar in the two pictures, supposedly taken at least a decade apart - ears, broad foreheads, etc.
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Unread post by Maat »

Hi everyone, I'm fairly new to this research (I was actually 'born yesterday' -- the 10th was my birthday :D)

Anyway, having found this site (via Simon on Youtube) and your researchers' analyses the only ones making real sense of the 9-11 hoax madness, I've got a peculiar one for your evaluation here but not sure if it is an accidental or deliberate screw up by the perps.

I was looking up the 'players' in that sickening Naudet "brothers" B movie, and found the creepy Chief Joseph Pfiefer listed as an actor on IMDb with reference to his fireman 'role' (as himself on 9-11) plus starring in a weird movie short. The surprise is that it looks to be the dearly departed "brother", Kevin, in the 2008 movie, definitely not the "fire Chief" Joseph.

The IMDb bio says:
Was Fire Chief (on 9/11/01) of Battalion 1 in the Fire Department of New York. Had been in service with the fire department for 20 years when 9/11 occurred.
He was the first Fire Chief on the scene at the World Trade Center. Lost his brother, Lt. Kevin Pfeifer in the WTC.

The bizarre 10 minute movie, "Honey We Shouldn't Be Here" is dated 2008,
Description: A couple gets stranded in an island during the off season and they decide to spend the night in an empty house, where a series of uncanny coincidences begin to unravel. [in the movie one scene shows the date stamp in a digital camera of 9-17-2007] but the 'star' is obviously not the same Joe Pfiefer as pictured HERE [currently"Chief of Counterterrorism and Emergency Preparedness"] & HERE on his "Combating Terrorism Center" bio (note that the picture has been changed to a small dark one from the original large one used there a couple of weeks ago)

Lightened for clarity: ImageJoseph Pfeifer

The guy in the movie short looks a lot like "Kevin" to me. Since a person can't grow younger in 7 years if the 'movie' was made in 2008 as stated, is this just a blooper by whoever supplied the info to IMDb, or is it not only a mock victim, but an actual identity swap? i.e. was the Chief Joseph role played by a spook, but the Kevin/hero/victim was the real Joseph Pfiefer playing "brother Kevin"?

"Kevin" on the CNN memorial site:


The memorial blurb has the typically dreadful writing:
...His gift for abstractions, though, was far exceeded by his taste for the concrete. [He bit the dust? :lol:]
[. . .]
In Mr. Pfeifer's work as a city paramedic and later as a fire lieutenant, he had a knack for quietly bringing out the best in people, his brother Joseph said. Joseph Pfeifer was among the first battalion chiefs at the trade center on Sept. 11. He spotted his brother coming in with Engine Company 33, and the two Pfeifers exchanged a quick word, and then glances as they parted. [barf!]
Profile published in THE NEW YORK TIMES on November 24, 2001.

Of course there's one regular memorial poster on every 'birthday' & holiday

And even one from...himself? :blink:
May 20, 2003
May God bless you and keep you safe.
Kevin Pfeifer,
Richland, Washington
("safe" from what I wonder, exposure?)

This weird July 10, 2010 WABC-TV/DT 'news' article on a fire (AP contributed), quotes "Assistant Fire Chief Joseph Pfeifer"

This stuff just gets more and more bizarre, doesn't it? :rolleyes:
"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." ? George Orwell
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Unread post by nonhocapito »

fbenario @ Sep 10 2010, 09:03 PM wrote: It dawned on me after I posted the first picture that the children don't look very similar in the two pictures, supposedly taken at least a decade apart - ears, broad foreheads, etc.
They look similar enough to me, children faces change during the early years. Although the glasses could be a sign of tampering/rendering... But all it takes is to change the face of the parent on the old pic, using an original picture of these very children (where is the third one anyway?).
Certainly it is harder to get children to lie about something so big, so it would be interesting to learn what they really know of the scam, if they indeed exist as part of that given family. It is difficult to keep an American kid separated from anything about himself that should appear on the media, which maybe explains the choice of a family of immigrants, that somehow could work better at keeping the children uninformed of how their own pictures are used? Uhm... I'm lost in the hypotheses.
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